Your Premier Local Florist

Daily Special Flower Arrangement in Jamestown, NY | LAKEVIEW GARDENS LLC
Daily Special
Flower Arrangement
Let us surprise you or your recipient with our beautiful Daily Special of fresh flowers designed by our experts.
Valentine's Day Designer's Choice in Jamestown, NY | LAKEVIEW GARDENS LLC
Valentine's Day
Designer's Choice
It’s a time filled with love and romance, so don’t forget the flowers! Allow our designers to create something truly romantic for that special someone in your life. Between a beautiful bouquet and the person who gives it to them, they’ll spend Valentine’s Day falling deeper in love with you.
Shown at $70.00
Shown at $70.00
Three Dozen Red Roses Vase Arrangement  in Jamestown, NY | LAKEVIEW GARDENS LLC
Three Dozen Red Roses
Vase Arrangement
For the most marvelous and exquisite arrangement, send our three dozen red roses. The epitome of love and romance, they will be in awe when they receive this bouquet!
Shown at $350.00
Shown at $350.00
24 MIXED ROSES $275.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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